I recently switched the blog name from Block Chop to the simple, catchy and self-explanatory I Blog Every Day. The thinking behind the whole block chop thing was that I was chopping through my writer’s block. I think I may have done that by now, and besides I never even really like the clunky ham-fisted pun on a wrestling move/chopping block. Always seemed a little forced, and I just banged out the logo in a few minutes and slapped it on the blog. But that’s gone now. Before block chop the blog was tediously called Kevin Bradshaw, Artist’s Blog and unsurprisingly this wasn’t hugely popular with the general punter. Since changing the name and expanding the scope of what I write about, my hit rate has increased quite a lot.

I’m not exactly top of the pile but have a lot of pretty good hits if you search for me on Google. Also all the links and images I have started including are bringing flocks of people interested in Ernest Haeckel, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and a picture of some birds from Hollyoaks. I get about 100 hits a day from all over the world. Go! Me.
So, erm, what’s up? Well, I’m going to discuss a new flat because we can’t afford this one, but looking forward to the move. Then after that it’s down to BLANKSPACE to be taken prisoner by the launch of the exciting new show Switch Circuit (part of the FutureEverything festival). BLANKSPACE has been transformed into a dark prison; a series of imposing cells, each holding a mysterious piece of interactive technology/performance-based art. There is something to do with receiving instructions on your mobile phone, and off course free drinks and great art. Looking forward to it as it’s all new to me; haven’t been involved in the planning or execution so it will be a great surprise.
And that’s all I have to say at the moment. Gotta get my shit together a go out. More blogging tonight. Danke Schon, Bitte Schon, Auf Weidersehen, Tchuss.
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