It really is the ultimate Ohrwurm; an earworm so compulsive that it threatens to break down the edifice of sanity I have so carefully constructed. It is more robotic and soulless than Kraftwerk performing Autobahn with T-1000 on drum machine and Robert Kilroy-Silk and David Cameron singing harmonies. A bizarre anomaly; it has its own Wikipedia page, even though the singer doesn’t (EDIT: she does now). Is it a statistical blip of a low point, or a plotted course on the unstoppable downward trajectory of popular culture?
My niece is three years old; does this song represent a possible future where all music is this cheap and idiotic and yet so impossible to unstuck from ones poor tormented mind. In ten years time is this sort of thing all that my niece will listen to? Is it a calculated step in the alien invasion, designed to render us all blithering babbling wibblers, reducing us to the mental age of 10 and preventing us from appreciating anything requiring consideration or intelligence? Only compulsively addictive mechanical repetitions of words like partyin’, fun and yeah will be considered worthwhile creative endeavours, and all of art and science will falter and collapse.
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Neo-Ruins, Hisaharu Motada |
a rich idiot, yesterday |
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